Friday, January 21, 2011

103: Titus Andronicus vs. Taylor Swift

III: Titus Andronicus vs. Taylor Swift

The Brian Jonestown Massacre titled their latest album with a question: Who Killed Sgt. Pepper? That answer is simple: Corporate Radio & Capitalism. Of course, most Americans do not even know this question has even been raised because The Brian Jonestown Massacre obviously has shot whatsoever to enjoy mainstream success, unlike the far less-talented Taylor Swift. The song in this video not only contains profanity, but also obviously does not stand for the same issues in which corporate CEO's of mainstream radio promote, and seems to encourage viewers to want to open fire on groups of police forces who are simply "doing their job" to ensure American freedom.

Once upon a time, Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy was so afraid of Communists "taking over" he launched a propaganda campaign insisting Communists infringed on American freedoms and went so far as to declare any free-thinking individual a Communist. Apparently, it was his goal to utilize his freedom as a brainless politician and encourage others to be equally brainless in order not to expose his fraudulent existence as a viable political figure.

While most of society bought into this belief, the arts society saw matters differently. Around the time of McCarthy's stint as Senator, literature began surfacing that depicted a less-than-ideal perspective of phony American capitalism. Writers such as Allen Ginsberg, Hunter S. Thompson, and William S. Burroughs published stories that actually resisted the tactics in which American bankers and capitalists stood for.

The government was able to keep a stronghold on radio and television communications for a long time. With legaslations such as the FCC handing down heavy fines, and religious organizations threatening to boycott anybody who holds any sort of free-thinking/communist belief system, it took great lengths and hard work to bring music to the forefront.

First in Liverpool, a band called The Beatles mysteriously became hugely popular. What people didn't know then was that The Beatles, underneath all the pop-hooks of wanting to hold your hand, and a love like that can't be bad, was a group of communists.

Next stop, New York City. An artist by the name of Andy Warhol began throwing these crazy parties, with wild literary and artistic interpretations, sex, drugs, rock n roll, everything Senator McCarthy hated. One of the bands that became a staple of this movement was The Velvet Underground. With the emergence of The Velvet Underground, music changed entirely- punk rock was born, and artists began to experiment more with their instrumentation. Also in New York City, actually slightly before The Velvet Underground, some poet had relocated from Minneapolis, changed his name to Bob Dylan, and began singing songs about political awareness.

After The Velvet Underground, after Bob Dylan, Beatlemania was in full effect and had swept the nation. The Beatles, as John Lennon put it, were bigger than Jesus. In 1967, now influenced more The Velvet Underground and Bob Dylan than previous doo-wop pop material, The Beatles experimented more with their instruments, wrote more meaninful songs, and released an album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. More material like this would soon follow.

The radio, back then was more independently owned. Furthermore, because The Beatles had already been previously popular with their more pop-friendly material, these stations, just beginning at the time, had no choice but to play The Beatles even though their political ideology did not coinicide with that of the American government.

Around this same time, politicians, fake as they are, being so influenced by the banks who finance their pathetic campaign strategies, decided it would be a good idea to get involved in a war with Vietnam. Vietnam was a place of civil unrest, their was a civil war taking place, and Communists were attempting to overthrow the capitalist government. For whatever reason, this struck fear into the American government, and they decided that it would be a good idea to incorporate a draft and send off lower-class teenagers to their death sentence in order to support their pathetic little capitalist cause.

Due to the fact The Beatles actually were more influential than Jesus at the time, and because radio stations could not ignore Beatlemania, and because adamant pro-Communist John Lennon had become such a radical figure, an entire movement took place. People protested the wars, held demonstrations, fought against the government, and aggressively vowed to actually have a President removed from office. Furthermore, more bands similar to The Beatles were being played on the radio; artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, etc.

This was the one instance in which rock and roll was victorious over the government. The war ultimately ended. Richard Nixon resigned. Communism was able to take over in Vietnam, and the American government was left with bloody hands and a serious blemish on their record. People demanded answers as to why their loved ones were killed in what seemed to be a meaningless war. Nobody wanted war after this.

But the government had no answers. War is good for the economy.

Rather than confess their mistake and learn from it, the banks wanted more money as did the politicians. They strategically implemented the notion that any person who fought in Vietnam, for their cause, was a hero assisting in the freedoms of everybody. Furthermore, it became too touchy of a subject to insinuate an American youth had killed and died, leading a life filled with PTSD and unable to grasp regular society had done it all fighting for the wrong thing. It was better to be sympathetic with these Americans, who by the way, many of them were forced to fight even if they didn't support the cause because of the draft.

Unfortunately, it was the same cause they fought to preserve who would eventually violate their rights. Vietnam soldiers were often left with little money, disturbed mental conditions caused by the war, and the government who put them in this situation did little to help them out and many of them eventually ended up a portion of the American Prison System- the world's largest, and you have to wonder why?

Two things happened. The FCC got stronger and insisted this was never going to happen again. And, owners of the radio stations who assisted with the upheaval began retiring. As they reitred, they were bought out gradually by just a couple corporations who eventually would own 95% of the media.

These two corporations did two things. First of all, because they are corporate, basically they implemented structures that would not promote any sort of civil disobedience. The goal was to keep Americans stupid and complacent, or angry and stupid during times of war so they would be willing to fight for their cause. Also, these corporations were not qualified to select the best music of any genre. In the late 70's another political movement was born- the punk rock era, and none of these enjoyed any success in America, mostly because most of them were proud Communists. Although The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, Crass, Wire, etc. are all now deemed some of the greatest and most influential artists ever, they were not played on American radio. Perhaps it was because discussions of Anarchy, White Riots, etc were deemed unsuitable to capitalist cause, or perhaps Americans were truly interested in the other artists who became popular instead, such as The Village People, Journey, Boston, The Bay City Rollers, etc.

As one movement was suppressed in order for stupidity to prevail, this became the standard and still applies today. While once upon a time rock and roll stood for rebellion and sticking it to the man, the music played on today's media shall do no such thing. It still exists, but the media has done an excellent job ensuring that most of society is not exposed to it. As a result, people had become so stupid from listening to Nickel Back, Miley Cyrus and watching crap like friends, many Americans, with their low I.Q.s, blindly supported a meaningless war against the Middle East, adopted not to pursue any further questioning as to who really was responisble for a terrorist attack, proceed to get fucked over by their banks, allow their homes to be foreclosed on, and ultimately file bankruptcy.

In the meantime, John Lennon has long since been assaninated; there is a statue of John Lennon at a park in Cuba. He would not have allowed this.

Taylor Swift would.

Artists such as Trish Yearwood and Carrie Underwood have just as much business playing in an NFL football game as they do performing at the halftime show. They're not football players you argue? Well, they're not musicians either. They do not have a lick of talent, they can't sing, can't write, and no one in their band is all that great niether technically or creative at playing their instruments.

I give out what I call The Method Actors test. Listent to The Method Actors. Then, listen to whatever is now playing on mainstream radio. Could this band, if assigned, play The Method Actors, note-for-note, chord-for-chord, replicate the exact sound, on every single instrument. Most- no way in hell. Don't even get started on their abilities to create something truly unique or visionary.

However, Titus Andronicus can.

Broken Social Scene can.

Lots of artists in today's world can. But guess what? You'll never know because the radio won't play any of them. Some people once said The Dixie Chicks were good because "they play their own instruments". Nobody ever said that about Led Zeppelin. For that matter, Ludus.

Instead, you will be forced to watch American Idol. You will see crappy contestants with no talent whatsoever go on to write a song that will irritate the shit out of shoppers who have to listen to that shit playing over the intercom. Or, you may even see a contestant wearing, get this, eyeliner. Yea, in 2008. Then, he was voted off because, get this, in 2008, Americans had become so stupid, they declared America was not ready for guys wearing eyeliner.

Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Prince, T. Rex, etc. all enjoyed successful careers...all wore eyeliner.

Some say its a matter of opinion. But I have to ask, why does merchandise such as T-shirts by older radical artists such as The Beatles & Jimi Hendrix, even the late 70's movement that got no airplay such as The Sex Pistols and Joy Division, why does their merchandise, continue to outsell merchandise of modern conformist rock such as Puddle of Mudd and Three Doors Down? Speaking of the late 70's, what have you seen more of: kids wearing The Ramones t-shirts, or kids wearing Village People shirts?

The bottom line, as far as music is concerned, bands such as Titus Andronicus, Deerhunter, Broken Social Scene, etc. are far more talented, far more inventive, and able to do significantly more than any of the artists on the radio who are popular. Same argument can be made for movies also. The best movies do not get played at the cinema. In fact, the best movie writers cannot even get their films made because corporations enact the same policies in which they choose to make a film- based on a paragraph long synopsis. But, we live in a capitalist community and not a communist society. Therefore, only the biggest ass kissers will get promotions. Only those with existing money will be allowed to succeed. So, enjoy the latest Papa Roach album, judging from its average 1.5 star reviews, I hear its real good! Acutally, it's fucking awful! Whoever considers this rock music needs a serious evaluation.

Pro Communism 102: Whoever You Voted For vs. Your Bank

II. Whoever You Voted For vs. Your Bank

Politicians in this country all have the same personality and rarely do what they say they are going to do. The promises they make are merely marketing ploys, and sadly most Americans are fooled by these strategies and live their lives with a false sense of hope. We have to ask: Why is it that all politicians say one thing and do something entirely different?

The best example we can give of this is the recent BP Gulf Coast oil spill. As we all know, this is now regarded as the worst environment disaster in history. Furthermore, with so many ongoing issues regarding the environment, as well as the cause of the spill- oil, the timing of this catastrophe could not have been worse.

Republicans, supposedly, stand for family values and traditions. Many people who vote Republican are good-hearted people and would never disrespect any accomplishment a family member worked so dilligently for. So, what kind of an imbecile would completely neglect a triumph of his own father and overturn his achievement? That answer, George W. Bush.

It was George Bush Sr. who originally passed the bill prohibiting off-shore drilling. Coming from somebody whose life had been so greatly affected by the oil industry throughout his entire life, passing this bill required an immense amount of strenuous thought and hard-work in order to get it accomplished.

Unfortunately, several years later, his own son would take office, completely nullify his father's achievement, and ultimately disaster. So much for family values.

Democrats, supposedly, stand for the environment. Many people who vote democrat do so because they expect the person they voted for to put a strong emphasis on environmental safety. So, what kind of an imbecile, standing in the face of a potential environmental disaster, say he was going to put the environment first, yet totally neglect everything his campaign strategy suggested? That answer, President Obama.

During the election, off-shore drilling was a major issue that was being debated. Obama claimed he was going to, once again, remit the bill prohibiting off-shore drilling.

Unfortunately, the lazy son-of-a-bitch did no such thing, and ultimately disaster. So much for concern for the environment.

If you sat down with W. and Obama, just in a regular setting, its doubtful either of them supported this. You see, our government does not make any decisions whatsoever. This country is run by your bank. Both Bush and Obama's hands were being pushed by mega-billion corporations whose sole point of order was to generate billions of dollars in their bank accounts- no matter what! Typical capitalist mentality.

In order for a capitialistic government to function properly, more money is required than the average American will ever lay eyes upon. The President is expected to wear a fashionable suit at all times. The President is not permitted to drive himself around in a Toyota Prius- rather it has to be an American-made gas-guzzling stretch limo with a full motorcade. Senators and other politicians sit in luxurious offices with the most elegant office furniture, the most expensive computers and whatnot. Even employees from, as our capitalist class-system indicates, from "lesser" organizations sit in office furniture and require expensive procedures.

One way the government generates money to pay for this ultra-expensive system is by applying petty taxes. These people have stooped to the level of handing out senseless parking tickets to hard-working Americans, auditing the lower-class and charging interest, taxing even the property they live on and the food they eat, as well as charging excise taxes on other items Americans require in order to survives. These cheapskate degenerate pigs will pass laws in which Americans are forced to comply and even have to pay for.

Banks, on the other hand, enjoy the utmost freedoms of anybody in America. When people assume capitalism equates to freedom, they are speaking solely about the banks. Our government has implemented grossly expensive tracking devices in an attempt to prevent any person in your neighborhood smoking marijuana in the confines of his/her own home- not violating or offending any person whatsoever. Yet, banks have the right to charge excessive interest rates, $35 fees for 35 cent overdrafts, charge homeowners outrageous rates and even excessive charges such as $50 credit check, $800 closing costs, etc.

Your bank has been able to accrue this massive amount of funds due to the fact that high-dollar organizations have put major investments into their stocks. The oil and pharmaceutical industries have more-than-thrived on this system of economics. The end result sees a small portion of the population getting excessively rich, and thus calling all the shots. It is not the most brilliant minded people who receive the biggest promotions, its the biggest ass-kissing conformists who would never attempt to distract their ploy; the CEO's are often relatives- not the best qualified or educated. Because the top of the ladder is both corrupt and not governed by the most intellectual people in the organization, other ploys have to be adopted in order to sustain profits.

With the proper payoff from the oil companies, the off-shore drilling bill was uplifted. Money purchased that disaster. With proper incentive packages sent over to politicians to help maintain their mansions and expensive office suits, pharmaceutical companies are free to charge whatever they wish for medication (unfortunately, because they are not intellectual thinkers, these idiots apparently did not foresee that a majority of bankruptcy cases are filed because Americans can no longer afford medical bills. However, these companies were able to apprehend these hard-working American's personal belongings- take their houses and cars, and now have a role in these businesses- although they are not qualified to perform such tasks). Does anybody out there still seriously think that Iraq was any threat to average Americans whatsoever?

Your bank dictates what whoever you vote for will stand for. Should anybody really wish to vote for "change", the government should be completely ignored (which they should be anyway- refuse to listen to them or pay any of their needless fines) and it should be your bank that should be attacked. Rather than preach to other people what you want done, conduct a demonstration in front of your bank. Do not write to your Congressman about any problems you have, send that letter to your bank manager. They are the only ones who can do anything. If you word your letter to the CEOs of any of the major corporations properly, that person might send a payoff over in order to get whatever bill you need passed. Whoever you voted for sure as fuck isn't going to accomplish anything on his/her own. Chances are, the politicians is too stupid to do anything anyway- this person still depends on an advisor.

And if we are really going to change, aggressively attack your bank. Do not give them any more money than you have to. If you are charged excessive fees, withdrawal and close your account. Never take a loan if the rates are high. Soon, there won't be anything left for the petty government to bail these corrupt greedy pricks out with and the country will finally be turned over to us- we the people.

CarX vs Midas

I. CarX vs. Midas

Which came first: CarX or Midas? At this juncture of American society, who knows and the who the fuck cares? Both operations run pretty much exactly the same, have the exact same procedures, the exact same prices, and treat their employees exactly the same. This analogy tells exactly what it takes to succeed in a capitalist society, and probably gives us insight as to why a bailout was required in order for this system to substain itself.

Simply put, whichever of these organizations was not created as a result of brilliant thinking or eradicating an original idea. In fact, it can be determined that one either stole the ideas from the other, or the proprieter of the new company was a previous employee for the other one. How did this come about?

One of the employees from either Midas or CarX only opened the business because he wished to be his own boss. This person may not have even been that great of a mechanic and surely wasn't an original idealist. In order to achieve this, all he had to do was be a cheapskate, not spend any money on anything whatsoever and save it. Or, receive an inheritance from a relative who deceased and thus this person didn't even have to work for his money.

Sure saving money is fine, and not having to work is even better, but who really prospered from this? By not going out, this person lost touch on the ability to relate with people and became unaware of the structure of society going on around him. As a result, we have two businesses that are exactly the same, and the savings, in regards to progress in society, was essentially wasted. Therefore, there will be no significant improvements in technology regarding the products these two corporations sell. To my knowledge, they've been exactly the same since 1972. Furthermore, original manufacturers of these products are expected to be lazy, stupid, and display relectuancy to emphasize quality because now people have to take their vehicles to these businesses repeatedly and that will give the non-brilliant cheapskates even more money and power.

Who benefits from this capitalist freedom? You. Now, because the owners of these places are cheapskates who are out of touch with humanity, you now have the luxury to choose, two "different" places to get your car fixed. Because they are cheapskates, these places will charge you way more money than you wish to pay. These people will lie and cheat and tell you that you need to buy more of the expensive products when you really don't need them. More than likely, due to the fact the cheapskate never went out to socialize, the customer service will be horrendous and the guy at the counter will be rude to you. And, because the owner is hardly brilliant, there's a chance they will fuck up your car, perform the repair improperly, and charge you even more money to correct it. Let's not forget the length of time involved with waiting for the repairs.

And most importantly, because we are not benefitting progress, mufflers and brakes will probably be exactly the same 50 years from now as they are today. It's considered a bad thing in America to envision a car that no longer even requires these parts, or have become so advanced they rarely malfunction. The reason for this  is because Americans only wish certain people to have advanced education- many others cannot afford and therefore just take a job as a mechanic. Furthermore, because we have a class system, many people perceive the status of being a mechanic as nothing special. Just imagine if mechanics were able to get higher education for free and utilize this knowledge for the progression of technology in the vehicles we depend upon- and they weren't ultra-dependant on how to squeeze ten more dollars out every customer?